

Jul 01, 2023

How to upgrade a Steam Deck SSD for more storage

10:11 am August 5, 2023 By Julian Horsey

In the realm of gaming, the Steam Deck has emerged as a popular handheld device. However, one common query among users is how to upgrade the Valve Steam Deck SSD for extra storage. This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on the Steam Deck SSD replacement process, ensuring that even the most novice of users can successfully complete the task.

If you are experiencing difficulties attempting to house your entire game library on your precious Steam Deck, you need not be worried. This guide is designed not only to expound on the simple elements but also to delve deep into the technical aspects.

Don’t worry if you’re a beginner, iFixit has you you covered. The how to upgrade a Steam Deck SSD guide starts from the basics. Explaining how to select the correct SSD making sure it is compatible with your Steam Deck, and then moving on to show how the new SDD can be installed.

The iFixit guide below takes a comprehensive look at the entire upgrade process, starting with step-by-step instructions on how to safely remove the existing M2 SSD from your Steam Deck. This well-detailed and illustrative guide ensures that even the least tech-savvy users can complete this task with minimum fuss.

Moreover, it further explores the potentially challenging phase of injecting the new SSD with the Steam OS. This includes downloading the correct version of the Steam OS, creating a bootable flash drive, and successfully installing it onto the new SSD. The guide takes you through all these complex processes, making sure you don’t feel overwhelmed and assisting you in every step.

iFixit’s intention is to provide you with a smooth transition that ensures the upgrade process is hassle and error-free while optimizing your Steam Deck’s performance. So, check out the guide below and upgrade your M2 SSD with ease. Isn’t it time to say goodbye to space constraint problems and hello to an enhanced gaming experience on your Steam Deck?

In the realm of gaming, the Steam Deck has emerged as a popular handheld device. However, one common query among users is how to upgrade the Steam Deck SSD. This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on the Steam Deck SSD replacement process, ensuring that even the most novice of users can successfully complete the task.

The process of a Steam Deck SSD upgrade requires a specific set of tools. These include a Phillips One driver, a Phillips zero driver, iFixit opening picks, tweezers, a fix mat, a replacement SSD, and a replacement SSD foil cover. It’s essential to have these tools on hand before beginning the process.

Safety is paramount when dealing with electronic devices. Therefore, before starting the Steam Deck SSD replacement, the device should be discharged to below 25% and put into battery storage mode. If a micro SD card is installed, it should be removed before opening the Steam Deck.

The first step in the Steam Deck SSD upgrade process involves removing the back cover of the Steam Deck. This is achieved by unscrewing eight Phillips screws and using an opening pick to pry it open. If the Steam Deck has a silver motherboard cover, a piece of foil tape covering a screw needs to be removed. The board shield is then removed by unscrewing three screws, and the battery cable is disconnected from the motherboard.

The existing SSD is then removed by unscrewing a Phillips screw and pulling it away from its M2 board connector. This SSD is wrapped in ESD shielding, which needs to be transferred to the replacement SSD. The replacement SSD is then installed by reversing the previous steps.

Once the new SSD is installed, an operating system needs to be installed on it. The Steam OS can be downloaded from Valve’s website, and a software called Rufus is used to create a bootable drive. A USB stick with at least eight gigabytes of storage is required for this process. The USB stick is then plugged into the Steam Deck, and the system is rebooted.

With these steps, the Steam Deck SSD upgrade process is complete. The Steam Deck is now reassembled and ready for use, boasting a new and improved SSD. This guide simplifies the process, making the task of a Steam Deck SSD replacement less daunting for users thanks to the fantastic team over at iFixit who are continually taking their Toolkit to every electronic device launched.

Source: iFixit

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